Disclosure of Information

In this section, you will find information that is subject to official disclosure, as well as additional details about our company.


On December 21, 2018, LLC "Benefort" was registered by the Bank of Russia in the Unified Register of Investment Advisors.

LLC "Benefort" combines brokerage, dealer, depository activities, and investment consulting services. The combination of these activities may lead to potential conflicts of interest between the company and its clients.

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Disclaimer of Liability

The information presented on this website is prepared by Benefort and is intended solely for informational purposes. This information does not constitute an offer or a proposal to enter into a brokerage service agreement or any other agreement for the provision of investment or financial services. LLC "Benefort" reserves the right to decline to enter into such an agreement. Information required to be disclosed by professional participants in the securities market is available on the official website of LLC "Benefort" — www.benefortcap.com.

Please remember: past earnings do not guarantee the possibility of future income!

The services provided by "Benefort" are not intended for citizens of the USA and Canada, nor for individuals who are recognized as residents of these countries under their legislation.

This information does not constitute individual investment advice, and the financial instruments or transactions mentioned may not correspond to your investment profile and investment goals (expectations). Determining the suitability of a financial instrument or transaction to your interests, investment objectives, time horizon, and acceptable risk level is your responsibility. LLC "Benefort" is not liable for any potential losses incurred as a result of transactions or investing in the financial instruments mentioned in this information, and does not recommend using this information as the sole source when making investment decisions.

Any use of the information presented on the Benefort website is at the user's own risk.

All calculations, quotes, and interest rates are indicative, serve as samples, and are unlikely to be used in an actual transaction with "Benefort." All calculations may be subject to significant changes due to changes in market conditions, which in turn may adversely affect the performance/financial results of the instrument/transaction, leading to the possibility that your financial expectations may not be met.

No information published on the Benefort website replaces or supplements the agreement that may be concluded with you by "Benefort" when using this or any other financial instrument. The content of the agreement (wording) may partially or fully differ from the information on the Benefort websites. Additionally, any parameters of the financial instrument may be modified by agreement between you and "Benefort."

"Benefort" reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time at its discretion. These provisions are an integral part of the information on the "Benefort" site. The information on the "Benefort" site can be interpreted and applied only in its entirety, including these provisions.

Information provided in English is for informational purposes only. All official information is disclosed on the Russian-language website at benefortcap.com
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