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Disclosure of Information

In this section, you will find information that is subject to official disclosure, as well as additional details about our company.

Company Information
Licenses Details

Company Information

Full name:
Limited Liability Company «Benefort»
Short name:
"Benefort" LLC
Date and registration number:
Limited Liability Company "Benefort" was registered by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 39 for Moscow on October 3, 2003, under the primary state registration number: 1037739891958.
Legal address:
123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya Street, Building 8A, Unit 3.
Actual/Mailing address:
123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya Street, Building 8A, Unit 3.
General Director:
Vladislav Anatolyevich Kopytsky

Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1037739891958
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7714515544
Phone: 8 (495) 777-08-07, 8 (495) 777-08-28, 8 (495) 745-25-80
E-mail: info@benefortcap.com
Membership in self-regulatory organizations (SRO) of professional participants in the securities market:
National Association of Securities Market Participants
Information about the standards of the SRO that the professional participant in the securities market follows in its activities:
LLC "Benefort" adheres to the internal standards of NAUFOR in its operations.
Licenses of the professional participant in the securities market:
  • License No. 045-09617-100000, issued on November 2, 2006, for brokerage activities by the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) of Russia. The license is valid indefinitely.
  • License No. 045-13339-000100, issued on September 28, 2010, for depository activities by the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) of Russia. The license is valid indefinitely.
  • License No. 045-14184-010000, issued on May 17, 2023, for dealer activities by the Bank of Russia. The license is valid indefinitely.
Information on the protection of the rights of financial service recipients.

The full official name of the management company: Limited Liability Company «Benefort»
The abbreviated official name of the management company: "Benefort" LLC
Service mark
Legal address: 123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya Street, Building 8A, Unit 3.
Actual address: 123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya Street, Building 8A, Unit 3.
Authority that issued the license: Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS).
Membership in self-regulatory organizations: National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR).
Authority exercising control and oversight over activities: Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).
Brokerage Services
Regarding the financial services provided under the brokerage services agreement: The list and description of services are disclosed in the Brokerage Services
On the methods and addresses for submitting appeals (complaints) to the SRO and the Central Bank:. SRO NAUFOR
Online Reception of the Bank of Russia
On the ways to protect the rights of the recipient of financial services:

All disputes and disagreements arising from the brokerage services agreement and the means of investing in securities provided by LLC "Benefort" will be resolved through negotiations. If an agreement is not reached regarding the dispute through negotiations, it will be settled in court in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction specified in the agreement.

You also have the right to contact the Bank of Russia or the SRO.

On the methods and procedures for modifying the terms of the brokerage services agreement: In the event of changes to the brokerage service regulations, the information will be disclosed on the broker's website and will take effect after publication.
Risk Declaration: Brokerage Services Risk Declaration
Information about Fees: The fee structure is outlined in the Regulations regarding the provision of brokerage services in the securities market, foreign exchange market, and derivatives market.

Documents Required for Contract Conclusion:

I. Individuals

Russian citizen passport
Tax Identification Number (TIN) certificate
Pension Insurance Certificate (SNILS)

II. Legal Entities

Documents confirming the establishment of the legal entity:
1.1. Resolution (protocol) on the creation of the legal entity, founding agreement (if available)
1.2. Certificate of state registration of the legal entity (EGRUL record sheet)
1.3. Tax registration certificate.
Documents confirming the legal capacity of the legal entity:
2.1. Charter, including all amendments and additions
2.2. Documents confirming the election (appointment) of the sole executive body
2.3. Licenses (if available)
Documents confirming the financial condition and business reputation of the legal entity:
3.1. Accounting (financial) statements for the last reporting period with the tax authority's receipt
3.2. Auditor's report on the financial statements (if available)
3.3. Business reputation confirmation letter
Information about the founders (participants) and beneficial owners of the legal entity
Documents for the representatives of the legal entity:
5.1. Copy of the passport of the person acting as the sole executive body
5.2. Copy of the passport of the authorized representative
Organization's accounting policy.
LLC "Benefort" reserves the right to request additional documents from the client that are not listed in this list.

Detailed information about LLC "Benefort" and the services provided, including the regulations for brokerage services, as well as information about compensation and other types and amounts of payments, can be obtained at the following address: 123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya St., Building 8A, Block 3.

Phone: +7 (495) 777-08-07, +7 (495) 777-08-28, +7 (495) 745-25-80, as well as on the LLC "Benefort" website at: http://www.benefortcap.com.

To ensure the stable operation of the website, please disable your VPN.

Disclaimer of Liability

The information presented on this website is prepared by Benefort and is intended solely for informational purposes. This information does not constitute an offer or a proposal to enter into a brokerage service agreement or any other agreement for the provision of investment or financial services. LLC "Benefort" reserves the right to decline to enter into such an agreement. Information required to be disclosed by professional participants in the securities market is available on the official website of LLC "Benefort" — www.benefortcap.com.

Please remember: past earnings do not guarantee the possibility of future income!

The services provided by "Benefort" are not intended for citizens of the USA and Canada, nor for individuals who are recognized as residents of these countries under their legislation.

This information does not constitute individual investment advice, and the financial instruments or transactions mentioned may not correspond to your investment profile and investment goals (expectations). Determining the suitability of a financial instrument or transaction to your interests, investment objectives, time horizon, and acceptable risk level is your responsibility. LLC "Benefort" is not liable for any potential losses incurred as a result of transactions or investing in the financial instruments mentioned in this information, and does not recommend using this information as the sole source when making investment decisions.

Any use of the information presented on the Benefort website is at the user's own risk.

All calculations, quotes, and interest rates are indicative, serve as samples, and are unlikely to be used in an actual transaction with "Benefort." All calculations may be subject to significant changes due to changes in market conditions, which in turn may adversely affect the performance/financial results of the instrument/transaction, leading to the possibility that your financial expectations may not be met.

No information published on the Benefort website replaces or supplements the agreement that may be concluded with you by "Benefort" when using this or any other financial instrument. The content of the agreement (wording) may partially or fully differ from the information on the Benefort websites. Additionally, any parameters of the financial instrument may be modified by agreement between you and "Benefort."

"Benefort" reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time at its discretion. These provisions are an integral part of the information on the "Benefort" site. The information on the "Benefort" site can be interpreted and applied only in its entirety, including these provisions.

Information provided in English is for informational purposes only. All official information is disclosed on the Russian-language website at benefortcap.com
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